Resiliency Project in Little Egg Harbor
Revised – February 15, 2019
Project Name: Monitoring of the Marsh Restoration and Resiliency Project, Little Egg Harbor and Tuckerton, NJ
Project Purpose:
To provide monitoring of resiliency measures at Little Egg Harbor and Tuckerton designed to restore and strengthen the marsh and provide a buffer against continued flooding. The monitoring will enable a planned restoration project to proceed and lay the groundwork for future restoration projects.
Brief Description: (Revised)
Little Egg Harbor Township and Tuckerton Borough received a $2.13 million grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to take dredge materials from silted-in lagoons and use the sediments in several restoration projects in the Barnegat and Great Bays. The original project proposal sought to utilize the some of the sediment on the marsh surface to add in accretion and help to slow the impacts of SLR. It was later determined that this was not the most viable option in responding to current conditions. So, it was decided that a second nature-based shoreline be added. The two shoreline projects include Iowa Court in the Osbourn Island section of Little Egg Harbor and Green Street in the Tuckerton Borough. Both projects are adjacent to rapidly eroding shoreline that is are encroaching on roads. NJ CWRP funds is providing the required funding to conduct monitoring of the restoration projects for the first two years, which is a requirement for the application of these resiliency measures on State owned land. The Barnegat Bay Partnership will provide the monitoring, as per the State guidelines.
Resource Values/Project Outputs:
The following core metrics will be measured: Shoreline Stabilization (physical metrics), Ecological Enhancement (Biological Metrics), Prevailing Environmental Conditions (Chemical Metrics), Structural Integrity of Materials, and Disturbance. Thin layer deposition and living shoreline resiliency projects along with paired control locations will be evaluated. The results will provide important information as to the effectiveness of the measures, allow for post installation corrections, and lay the groundwork for additional, more effective resiliency projects.
The NJCWRP will contribute $46,753 to conduct the first two years of required monitoring on a $2.13 million marsh restoration project. The monitoring costs for the first year are estimated at $25,526 and for the second year at $21,226.
Schedule: Initiation of project in month/year - a timetable for completion of x years/moths
Initial pre-project, baseline monitoring is anticipated to begin in June, 2015. The monitoring is to cover the first two years of the project, and the NJCWRP portion will be complete by June, 2017.
Permit Status:
Permits are in process
List of Partners:
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
US Department of Interior
US Environmental Protection Agency
NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Little Egg Harbor Township
Borough of Tuckerton
Barnegat Bay Partnership
New Jersey Future
Requested from the CWRP/Contribution:
$46,753 for monitoring for years one and two of the project
Point of Contact:
Martha Maxwell-Doyle
Barnegat Bay Partnership
(732) 255-0472