Julie Schreck Maritime Forest of Bradley Beach
Project Purpose:
To decrease flooding associated with coastal storms, reduce pollution from runoff into Fletcher Lake and improve coastal species/resource benefits by creating a wildlife area similar to a maritime forest within a 0.4-acre dirt parking lot located on the northeastern corner of Bradley Beach.
Brief Description:
The project was completed in three phases starting in 2013 following the devastation resulting from Superstorm Sandy and ending in 2021 with a celebration of the completion of phase 3 and the renaming of the Maritime Forest in honor of the former Mayor Julie Schreck. The project involved the construction and planting of a scrub/shrub coastal maritime forest with indigenous coastal species on a barren dirt lot between the /Bradley Beach Boardwalk and Ocean Avenue and adjacent to Fletcher Lake. The lot was composed of hard-packed dirt and was used for summer staff parking, winter storage of beach equipment, gravel pile placement and access to the beach for heavy equipment and emergency vehicles. The completed maritime forest provides valuable forage and staging habitat for coastal resident and migratory avian and insect species. To enhance environmental education and outreach, two additional pathways were constructed and lined with an attractive split rail fence, three interpretive signs were installed, crushed shells were placed on all paths and a seating bench was established at an overlook area by Fletcher Lake.
Resource Values/Project Outputs:
The maritime forest provides 0.4 acres of valuable coastal and beach/back dune habitat for resident and migratory birds and insects monarch butterflies, dragonflies and a forage base of fruits and berries for important coastal species, refuge from predators during migration and a staging area for herons and egrets .It also provides enhanced storm and flood protection to local residents and improved water quality and coastal/marine habitat through the elimination of runoff associated with the existing lot and increasing infiltration.
Approximately $150,000 which includes construction and site preparation by the Bradley Beach Department of Public Works, plants provided by USF&W through a 10-year Partners Agreement and additional plants donated by Pinelands Nurseries.
List of Partners:
USF&WS, NJDEP, USACOE, EPA, Monmouth County Dept. of Public Works &Engineering, Monmouth County Master Gardeners, Sustainable New Jersey, Bradley Beach Dept of Public Works, Bradley Beach Environmental Commission, Bradley Beach Elementary School, NJCWRP, JCP&L, NJ Natural Gas, NJM Insurance, Pinelands Nursery, AECOM, PS&S, Atlantic Lifts, Rutgers University, Surfrider Foundation, Conservation Resources Inc.(CRI), Bloomfield University and many, many individual volunteers.
NJCWRP Contribution: $30,500
Point of Contact: Capt. Alek Modjeski, 732-291-0055. Email